Expand Winter Gritting Routes

Meath County Council Ordinary Meeting
5th March 2018, Council Chamber

9 Notice of Motion
9.2 Submitted by Councillor Trevor Golden

“The members of Meath County Council call on the Transport SPC to investigate the use of feeder hoopers (fixed & mobile) at various locations throughout the county to better utilise existing resources and, where appropriate, expand the gritting routes. If the SPC deems the proposal feasible, a proposal for full adoption be brought before the council. This is an attempt to address the problems highlighted to Councillors at the previous review of the gritting routes.”

5th March 2018, Council Chamber
9 Notice of Motion
9.2 Submitted by Councillor Trevor Golden

The members of Meath County Council call on the Transport SPC to investigate the use of feeder hoopers (fixed & mobile) at various locations throughout the county to better utilise existing resources and, where appropriate, expand the gritting routes. If the SPC deems the proposal feasible, a proposal for full adoption be brought before the council. This is an attempt to address the problems highlighted to Councillors at the previous review of the gritting routes.

Supporting Information subject to the motion being proposed, seconded and considered. The Winter Maintenance Plan represents the best prioritised extent of coverage based on road classification, historic weather data, average daily traffic counts, and available funding.A review of the winter gritting network takes place at the end of each season setting out any issues encountered during that period. A full review was presented to the Transportation SPC in 2017. It was agreed that certain parameters should be considered and a criteria for including any new roads set out in a policy document, which was subsequently approved by the Council.The Transportation SPC will include the proposal in the above motion, for investigation, in its review of the Winter Maintenance Plan for 2017/2018 at the end of the current season.

Link to Minutes on Meath County Council